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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Electric and Hybrid VehiclesAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND SMART GRIDSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSINGAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGNAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND SMART GRIDSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2014Utilisation Of Electrical Power S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2017System Design With MicrocontrollersMahatma Gandhi University
2014Synchronous Machines S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Power Quality S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Object Oriented Programming S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Modern Control Theory S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014MEMS Technology S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016HVDC Transmission S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Electrical Power Transmission S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2017Electrical Machines S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Electrical Drives And Control S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Elctrical Drawing S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Drives And Control S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Control System S7 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41