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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 38 of 38
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019SWITCHED MODE POWER CONVERTERSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019SOFT COMPUTINGAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019POWER SYSTEM ANALYSISAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019ELECTROMAGNETICSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Electric DrivesAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATIONAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019ADVANCED CONTROL THEORYAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2015Renewable Energy Resources S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2015Power Generation And Distribution S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Object Oriented Programming S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Microprocessors And Applications S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Microcontrollers And Embedded systems S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Induction Machines S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Electrical Power Transmission S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Electrical Machines S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Digital Signal Processing S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Control Systems S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Computer Organization S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 38 of 38