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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 38 of 38
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019MICROPROCESSOR AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERINGAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019ELECTRICAL DRIVES & CONTROL FOR AUTOMATIONAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018SIGNAL AND SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018POWER ELECTRONICSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018MICROPROCESSOR AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2018LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2016Linear Integrated Circuits S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Signals And Systems S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Principles of Management S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Power Electronics S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Microprocessors And Applications S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Linear Integrated Circuits S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Industrial Management And Economics S5 B.TechMahatma Gandhi University
2016Digital Circuit S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Communication Engineering S5 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 38 of 38