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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 42
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Electronic Design and Automation Tools B.Tech S6 EC May 2023(Honours)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2019PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019VLSIAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Real Time Operating SystemsAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Object Oriented ProgrammingAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Embedded SystemsAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Digital Image ProcessingAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Digital CommunicationAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019Antenna & Wave PropagationAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2014Television And Radar Engineering S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Radiation And Propagation S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Microcontrollers And Applications S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Medical Electronics S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Industrial Management And Economics S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014High Speed Digital Design S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2014Electonic Instrumentation S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Digital Signal Processing S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Digital Communication Techniques S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
2016Data Structures And Algorithms S6 B.Tech MGUMahatma Gandhi University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 42