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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Nano Electronics S4 B Tech EC MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Probability Random Process and Numerical Methods S4 B Tech COMMON TO EC EE MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Computer Architecture and Microcontrollers S4 B Tech EC MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Signals and Systems S4 B Tech EC MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Analog Circuits S4 B Tech EC MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Signals and Systems S4 EC B.Tech August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Computer Architecture and Microcontrollers S4 EC B.Tech August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Analog Circuits S4 EC B.Tech August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Signals and Systems B.Tech S4 EC May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Signals and Systems B.Tech S4 EC May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Computer Architecture and Microcontrollers B.Tech S4 EC May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Analog Circuits B.Tech S4 EC May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Nano Electronics B.Tech S4 EC May 2023(Honours)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Signals and Systems B.Tech S4 EC Sep.2022(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Computer Architecture and Microcontrollers B.Tech S4 EC Sep.2022(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Analog Circuits B.Tech S4 EC Sep. 2022(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Computer Architecture and Microcontrollers B.Tech S4 EC July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Nano Electronics B.Tech S4 EC July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Number Theory B.Tech S4 EC July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Professional Ethics B.Tech Common to CS,EE,EC,RB July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47