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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Sensors and Actuators for Robots S4 B Tech RB MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Introduction to Industrial Automation S4 B Tech RB MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems S4 B Tech RB MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Manufacturing Processes S4 B Tech RB MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2024Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms S4 B Tech RB MAY 2024SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems S4 RB B.Tech August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms S4 RB B.Tech August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Advanced Control for Robotics B.Tech S6 RA May 2023(Honours)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms B.Tech S4 RB May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Manufacturing Processes B.Tech S4 RB May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems B.Tech S4 RB May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Introduction to Industrial Automation B.Tech S4 RB May 20230(Minors)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Sensors and Actuators for Robots B.Tech S4 RB May 2023(Honours)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Fluid Machinery B.Tech S4 RA Sept.2022(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Manufacturing Process B.Tech S4 RA Sept.2022(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms B.Tech S4 RA Sept.202SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Introduction to Industrial Automation B.Tech RA S4 July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Manufacturing Processes B.Tech RA S4 July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems B.Tech RA S4 July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Professional Ethics B.Tech Common to CS,EE,EC,RB July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23