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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 37 of 37
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Industrial Management and Economics S6 MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Industrial Instrumentation S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Industrial Instrumentation S6 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Industrial Instrumentation S6 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Digital System Design S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Digital System Design S6 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Digital System Design S6 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Digital Signal Processing S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Digital Signal Processing S6 MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Digital Signal Processing S6 MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Data Communication S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Data Communication S6 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Control System Theory S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Control System Theory S6 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Control Engineering S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Control Engineering S6 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Control Engineering S6 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 37 of 37