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Title: Effect of Multiaxiality on the Creep Rupture Properties of 316 L (N) Stainless Steel
Authors: Mathew, M D
Charde, S R
Prasad, M L
Paretkar, R K
Peshwe, D R
Ballal, A R
Keywords: Mechanical Engineering
316L(N) SS
Creep deformation
Finite element analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Procedia Engineering
Abstract: The present work focuses on testing of 316 L (N) steel in which varying degrees of multiaxiality are introduced with variation in the stress intensity factor, Kt. The specimens were tested under varying notch geometries at 873 K and 300 MPa. The stress distributions from the notch root to center of the specimen are explained with Finite Element Modeling calculations simulated later with ANSYS software. Correlation of the stress distribution with microstructural features is attempted to evaluate stress offloading due to multiaxiality.
Appears in Collections:Dr. M D Mathew

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