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Title: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Sector A Study on The Changing Scenario of the Agrarian sector in India
Authors: Asst.Prof.Sherin Mary Andrews
Keywords: AI, Digital farming, MAI, Drones, Precision Agriculture
Issue Date: Nov-2018
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)
Abstract: Agriculture plays a major role in India’s economy. A large number of the Indian households depend on agriculture as their principal means of living. Agriculture is both a major industry and foundation of the economy for the country. Factors such as climate change, population growth and food security concerns have compelled the sector into seeking more innovative approaches to protecting and improving crop yield. As a result, AI is steadily evolving as part of the industry’s technological evolution. This paper focuses on the current and emerging applications of artificial intelligence in the agrarian sector
ISSN: 2455-2631
Appears in Collections:Asst. Prof. Sherin Mary Andrews

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