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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Material Science and Technology S3 B.Tech ME Dec.2023(Minor)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Mechanics of Fluids S3 B Tech ME Dec 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Metallurgy and Material Science B.Tech S3 ME Feb.2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Mechanics of Solids B.Tech S3 ME Feb.2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Mechanics of Fluids B.Tech S3 ME Feb.2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Metallurgy and Material Science B.Tech S3 ME Dec.2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Mechanics of Fluids B.Tech S3 ME Dec.2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Material Science and Technology B.Tech S3 ME Dec.2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Mechanics of Fluids S3 ME B.Tech May 2022 (S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Mechanics of Solids S3 ME B.Tech May 2022 (S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Metallurgy and Material Science S3 ME B.Tech May 2022 (S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Fluid Mechanics and Machinery B.Tech ME S3 Feb.2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2019THERMODYNAMICSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019THERMAL ENGINEERING-IAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019MECHANICS OF SOLIDSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019MECHANICS OF FLUIDSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019LINEAR ALGEBRA AND COMPLEX ANALYSISAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019LIFE SKILLSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2019BUSINESS ECONOMICSAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36