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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 45
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-03Financial Services - March 2020M G University
2020-03Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management - March 2020M G University
2020-03Corporate Accounting II - March 2020M G University
2020-03Corporate Accounting IIM G University
2019-03Value Added Tax-Concepts and practices,4th sem B.Com, March 2019M G University
2018-04Value added Tax- Concepts and Practices,April- 2018M G University
2019-05Logistics and Supply Chain Management,4th sem B.Com,May 2019M G University
2019-03Information Technology for Office,4th sem,March 2019M G University
2018-04Information Technology for Office,4th sem B.Com, April 2018M G University
2019-03Goods and Service Tax,4th sem B.Com ,March 2019M G University
2018-04Goods and Service Tax,4th sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
2018-04Financial Services,4th sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
2019-03Entrepreneuership Development and Project Management,4th sem B.Com, March 2019M G University
2018-04Entreprenuership Development and Project Management, 4th Sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
2019-03Corporate Accounting,4th sem B.Com,March 2019M G University
2018-04Corporate Accounting,4th sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
2019-03Capital Market,4th sem,March 2019M G University
2018-04Capital Market,4th sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
2019-03Business Ethics,4th sem B.Com March 2019M G University
2018-04Business Ethics,4th sem B.Com,April 2018M G University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 45