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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 51
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-12Business Regulatory Framework - Dec 2021M.G. University
2020-11English - Issues that matter - November 2020M.G.University
2020-11Principles of Business Decisions - November 2020M.G.University
2020-11Financial Accounting II - November 2020M.G.University
2020-11Business Management - November 2020M.G.University
2020-11Business Regulatory Framework - November 2020M.G.University
2020-11Business Environment - November 2020M.G.University
2019-05Principles of Business Decisions - May 2019M G University
2018-06Principles of Business Decisions - June 2018M G University
2019-05Financial Accounting II - May 2019M G University
2019-05Business Regulatory Framework - May 2019M G University
2018-06Business Management - June 2018M G University
2019-05Business Environment - May 2019M G University
2016-05Business Environment - May 2016M G University
2015-05Business Environment - May 2015M G University
2018-05Quantitative Techniques for Business Research,2nd sem,May 2018M G University
2018-05Principles of Insurance,2nd sem,,May 2018M G University
2019-05Principles of Insurance,2nd sem,May 2019M G University
2018-06Principles of Business Decisions,2nd Sem B.Com,June 2018M G University
2018-05Corporate Regulations and Governance,May 2018M G University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 51