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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 35
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Construction Planning and Management M.Tech CE I Sem. Dec.2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Structural Dynamics S2 M.Tech CE August 2023(S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Sustainable Construction and Building Materials M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Structural Dynamics M.Tech S2 CE May 2023APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2023Modern Construction Practices M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Microstructure and Innovations in Structural Concrete M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Marine Geotechnical Engineering M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Foundation Analysis and Design M.Tech S2 CE May 2023APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
2023Finite Element Analysis M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Environmental Geotechniques M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Dynamics of Soil and Design of Machine Foundations M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Construction Risk and Contract Management M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2023Bridge Engineering M.Tech S2 CE May 2023SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations M.Tech II Sem CE July 2022 (S)SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Structural Dynamics M.Tech II Sem CE July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Prefabricated Structures M.Tech II Sem CE July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Modern Construction Practices M.Tech CE II Sem July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Marine Geotechnical Engineering M.Tech CE II Sem July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
2022Foundation Analysis and Design M.Tech II Sem CE July 2022SCE AUTONOMOUS
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 35