Browsing by Subject B.Tech MGU past question papers

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Advanced Microcontrollers S8 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Advanced Microprocessors S8 MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Advanced Microprocessors S8 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Advanced Structural Design S8 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Advanced Structural Design S8 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Advanced Structural Design S8 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Airport Engineering S6 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Analytical Instrumentation S7 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Analytical Instrumentation S7 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Analytical Instrumentation S7 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Architecture and Town Planning S7 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Architecture and Town Planning S7 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems S7 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems S7 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2016Basic Civil Engineering S1S2 B.Tech MGU 2016Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Biomedical Instrumentation S7 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Biomedical Instrumentation S7 B.Tech MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Building Technology and Management S5 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2014Building Technology and Management S8 B.Tech MGU 2014Mahatma Gandhi University
2015Building Technology and Management S8 MGU 2015Mahatma Gandhi University